A cryptographic algorithm in which the sum produces meaning and shared understanding.
The Form of Independent Steaming
To serve, inspire, and lead many in the light, you must demonstrate honor, courage, and commitment to survive and evolve while tested alone in the darkness of night. 4 years ago – “I am taking my time with this. I have wrote around 7 pages of lyrics since October of last year for this song. […]
Crossing the Sea of Galilee
The Voyage to Recovery When a person is lost in a dark place during the perfect storm, some begin compulsively doing things based on how they feel because their body desperately is seeking dopamine (natural legal high). What most fail to realize is that these compulsive behaviors (i.e., eating, sex, illegal drug use, etc.) are […]
The Form of United States Navy Leadership
When I lost everything and everyone that I love in my life and felt that my life was over I listened to the words of Admiral William H. McRaven. I stood up, I brushed myself off and I opened a can of Pepsi and I began building the investigative work product I started in 2019. […]
The Fragility of Tyranny’s Darkness
The truth regarding the price of freedom, liberty, and equal rights for all of God’s children is revealed by the light of a United States Navy Tomahawk missile launch that halts the deceit of the blinding darkness of night at sea. I did not win a popularity contest in the City of Newton, IA, or […]